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深氧AI 深氧未来(深圳)科技有限公司(o3.xyz)是一家专注于AI图形/视觉的公司,致力于使用AIGC技术一站式生产3D、视频等内容,赋能游戏、XR、短视频等领域。我们通过整合AI、多模态大模型、云原生、计算机图形、计算机视觉等技术红利打造下一代3D视频内容生产工具,极大的降低3D视频制作门槛。我们的使命是实现“人人可制作3D视频”的创意未来。愿景是“打造下一代3D视频生产工具”。 810 AI3D绘画
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IMI Prompt: Midjourney Prompt Generator v5 IMI Prompt Builder is a comprehensive Midjourney v5 prompt generator with thousands of options available on web, Android, and iOS. With just a few clicks, users can create unique Midjourney v5 artworks that reflect their personal style and artistic vision. 650 AI绘画提示
in3D: Create Photorealistic Avatars For Metaverse in3D turns people into realistic full body 3D avatars within a minute with just a phone camera. Use in3D avatar SDK to integrate in your product. 840 AI3D绘画
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