51建模网 51建模网是深圳积木易搭科技技术有限公司旗下3D数据服务平台,包含3D建模业务对接与制作分发,3D模型数据云存储与调用展示,提供真正的一站式整体解决方案,加快推动各地区各行各业的3D数字化技术应用. 920 AI3D绘画# 3D建模# 3d建模下载# 3d建模做一单多少钱
VoxCraft: Free 3D AI Generator VoxCraft is a powerful 3D generation AI tool that makes it easy to create 3D assets from images or text to accelerate your 3D workflow. We’ve already launched image-to-3D, text-to-3D, and text-to-texture on Discord,and image-to-3D on the web 910 AI3D绘画# image to 3d# image3d# shengshu
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Spline Spline is a free 3D design software with real-time collaboration to create web interactive experiences in the browser. Easy 3d modeling, animation, textures, and more. 870 AI3D绘画# Free interactive 3D design tool to create beautiful vectors and graphics in real-time
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in3D: Create Photorealistic Avatars For Metaverse in3D turns people into realistic full body 3D avatars within a minute with just a phone camera. Use in3D avatar SDK to integrate in your product. 840 AI3D绘画
Plask Motion: AI Plask offers AI motion capture from video, transforming your videos into stunning animations. Dive into our step-by-step guide and learn how to use our motion capture camera for the best results. 840 AI3D绘画# 3D Animation# AI Animation# AI Motion Capture
Kaedim Our AI algorithms and modeling experts meet to deliver game-ready, production-quality assets at 10x speed. 830 AI3D绘画
Meshy Meshy is an AI 3D model generator that helps to effortlessly transform images and text into 3D models in seconds. 830 AI3D绘画# 3D# 3d assets# 3d modeling
AI motion capture and 3D scene design with RADiCAL Create animation from video to 3D with RADiCAL's AI motion capture solution, and design scenes and environments in real-time. 830 AI3D绘画
CSM — 3D AI with Common Sense Common Sense Machines (CSM) is building an AI product that lets users generate controllable and game-engine ready 3D animated worlds from single images, text and sketch. It’s your 3D AI copilot. 830 AI3D绘画
Plask Motion: AI Plask offers AI motion capture from video, transforming your videos into stunning animations. Dive into our step-by-step guide and learn how to use our motion capture camera for the best results. 820 AI3D绘画# 3D Animation# AI Animation# AI Motion Capture
SWAPP Empower your architectural practice with our automation tools. Reduce costs and ensure consistency by streamlining tedious documentation and modeling tasks. 810 AI3D绘画
Infinite AI Artboard Premium image generation and editing tool. Store and share your own styles, create, fine-tune, upscale, and perfect your visuals. 810 AI3D绘画# 3d images# AI# generate
深氧AI 深氧未来(深圳)科技有限公司(o3.xyz)是一家专注于AI图形/视觉的公司,致力于使用AIGC技术一站式生产3D、视频等内容,赋能游戏、XR、短视频等领域。我们通过整合AI、多模态大模型、云原生、计算机图形、计算机视觉等技术红利打造下一代3D视频内容生产工具,极大的降低3D视频制作门槛。我们的使命是实现“人人可制作3D视频”的创意未来。愿景是“打造下一代3D视频生产工具”。 810 AI3D绘画
Research at NVIDIA NVIDIA Research is passionate about developing the technology and finding the breakthroughs that bring positive change to the world. 790 AI3D绘画# artificial intelligence# intern projects# nvidia graduate fellows
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